San Francisco’s police union says a city bakery chain has a “bigoted” policy of not serving uniformed cops.

The San Francisco Police Officers Assn. wrote in a social media post last week that Reem’s California “will not serve anyone armed and in uniform” and that includes “members of the U.S. Military.” The union is demanding that the chain “own” its policy.

Reem’s says, however, its policy isn’t against serving armed police officers. It’s against allowing guns inside its businesses.

    10 months ago

    Sounds like cops are allowed if they leave their guns behind, so it’s not a ban on cops at all, just cops who insist on carrying their gun more than they keep their body cameras on.

    • fmstratA
      10 months ago

      They’re not allowed to do that while on duty.

      EDIT: For those down voting, to be clear I don’t disagree with the sentiment, just providing facts to a comment.