Surprising nobody, Reddit Corp threatening a gaming sub of a fanatically anti-corporate video game doesn’t go as they’d hoped.

The mod team have basically decided that “Fuck Reddit” is the way forward, and appear to have practically total support of their entire sub for the choice taken.

Presumably, we’re about to get a Cyberpunk community on Fediverse soon. :p

  • comedy
    81 year ago

    I played it on release for PC. It was good, although it felt incomplete. Bugs weren’t as bad for the PC version as they were apparently on console, but they were there. New expansion is coming out soon, so there is probably going to be a sale then. I’d imagine the new expansion will improve (I hope) the things the game got wrong.

      • RabbitholeOP
        51 year ago

        That’s… actually impressive.

        You sure as hell grew up with a solid understanding of patience if the youtube videos that I saw of that are at all accurate.

        • Saturdaycat
          11 year ago

          It was pretty bad. Like, people were flying instead of walking. The same people repeated over and over. Going into any populated areas sounded like an acid trip of echoing voices. The floor usually disappeared. My weapons were invisible. List goes on

        • Saturdaycat
          11 year ago

          It was pretty bad. Like, people were flying instead of walking. The same people repeated over and over. Going into any populated areas sounded like an acid trip of echoing voices. The floor usually disappeared. My weapons were invisible. List goes on

        1 year ago

        Same. While the bugs and technical issues were annoying, the fact that the underlying game was so lackluster was the worst part.