Surprising nobody, Reddit Corp threatening a gaming sub of a fanatically anti-corporate video game doesn’t go as they’d hoped.

The mod team have basically decided that “Fuck Reddit” is the way forward, and appear to have practically total support of their entire sub for the choice taken.

Presumably, we’re about to get a Cyberpunk community on Fediverse soon. :p

  • Entropywins
    131 year ago

    It sounds like it’s just reddit drama at this point no more subreddit…

    • Madison_rogue
      81 year ago

      Trust me, before I deleted my account there were so many users in the sub salivating at all the unfolding drama. While they didn’t participate in the blackout, I wonder how many migrated to Fedi. Might indicate why there isn’t as much activity as I remember.

      • RabbitholeOP
        1 year ago

        SRD have been having a goddamn feeding frenzy the past few weeks.

        But I could definitely see some of them getting burned out from excess joy. :D

        51 year ago

        I am one of them. Only that I wallowed in the drama AND THEN participated in the protests.

        I lurk there once in a while and yes, it is fucking dead. That whole sub just fell dead with the only active posts not even being drama at all.

        Compare it what it looked like two months ago. Back then I thought that sub would be the last one to still stand, before it too imploded. But no! Everyone who made that sub so funny already migrated here (love y’all, you beautiful fucks) and all that’s left are these sad excuses of posters and commenters.

        • Madison_rogue
          51 year ago

          That whole sub just fell dead with the only active posts not even being drama at all.

          After all that hype of how dramatic things would be…yesterday half a dozen posts down on the front page and the posts are 2 days old. Buckets and buckets of popcorn all laid waste…a shell of what it once was…all the buttery goodness is lost in time…like tears in rain.