Surprising nobody, Reddit Corp threatening a gaming sub of a fanatically anti-corporate video game doesn’t go as they’d hoped.

The mod team have basically decided that “Fuck Reddit” is the way forward, and appear to have practically total support of their entire sub for the choice taken.

Presumably, we’re about to get a Cyberpunk community on Fediverse soon. :p

    21 year ago

    I’ve been wanting to leave Reddit since the fascists were allowed to have a platform there uncontested. This naked utter contempt for the users and mods of the site was the push I needed to finally do so. And whaddaya know, it’s people who have similar values to me that left, while the bootlickers stayed. Win-win!

    • OpenStars
      21 year ago

      They’ll vent their frustration at the ~~world~~ bots, who’ll take it and engage right back at them, giving them as much attention as they want. Reddit = babysitter service, wha-hoo! :-P