Hello, how are you guys?

As the title says, what search Ingine are you currently using? I used DuckDuckGo for years, and just recently switched to Brave.

Also, what do you think about the Brave Browser? I have been using FireFox since forever.

Thank you for reading.

  • SterbenDeathGunOP
    39 months ago

    I didn’t know that, but after reading all these comments, its CEO doesn’t look like pro privacy, am I wrong? Maybe, but for now I stick with FireFox.

    • fmstratA
      29 months ago

      No clue, but Brave was billed as a privacy focused browser. It regularly rates about the same as Firefox (by reviewers) for privacy unless you use custom FF configs which can go further. I’ve built and compiled both from scratch (contributing), and don’t have concerns with either, though I prefer FF.