Here is our regular update that explains what we have been working on for the past two weeks. This should allow average users to keep up with development, without reading Github comments or knowing how to program.

@Neshura87 submitted the first ever RFC for Lemmy! It describes how post tags can be implemented.

0.19.0 is getting closer and closer to release, but we are still busy squashing bugs and getting lemmy-ui ready. For now there is another release candidate deployed on for testing. Here is the full list of changes since the last release candidate for Lemmy and lemmy-ui

@nutomic fixed a bug with following local communities in the release candidate. He added a first integration test for image uploads.

@dessalines has been busy updating lemmy-ui to account for Lemmy API changes, and squashing various bugs like an issue with timezone db migrations, adding a creator_is_admin field to Post and Comment views.

@SleeplessOne1917 has implemented support for settings import/export in lemmy-ui, as well as some bug fixes.

Support development

@dessalines and @nutomic are working full-time on Lemmy to integrate community contributions, fix bugs, optimize performance and much more. This work is funded exclusively through donations.

If you like using Lemmy, and want to make sure that we will always be available to work full time building it, consider donating to support its development. Recurring donations are ideal because they allow for long-term planning. But also one-time donations of any amount help us.

  • @nutomic@lemmy.mlOPM
    37 months ago

    The only thing to keep in mind with 0.19 versions is that they are meant to be used with 0.19 backend. This post has some info about supporting 0.18 and 0.19 from the same client, but Im not sure if lemmy-js-client supports that as lemmy-ui only needs to be compatible with a single backend version.

    Alright I will post these updates to /c/announcements in the future.

    • fmstratA
      17 months ago

      Oh, any idea if there is a js-client community? Hate to spam their issue list but don’t see another way to check on their recco for moving forward. And thank you again.