• AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
    4 months ago

    The only explanation for the DNCs actions back to 2016, is they’d rather have trump than a progressive.

    The DNC has spent over 44 million dollars helping pro-trump Republicans win their primaries over moderate Republicans, so that they can point at the Republican party and say “look, there are no moderate Republicans left”. The DNC is just as guilty as the trump Republicans for radicalizing the Republican party.

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        4 months ago

        Yes, that’s what I’m talking about. What about my statement is a stretch? They’re trying to promote radicalized candidates because they believe they’ll be easier to defeat. It’s underhanded, and erodes voter confidence. It’s also limiting voter choices, attempting to solidify the Democratic party as the only viable choice for candidates, which further erodes our democracy. Citizens deserve choices. Locking elections to a choice between a radical Trumper and the DNC doesn’t benefit the country as a whole, it only benefits the DNC. They’ve received considerable criticism from members of both parties over these actions, criticisms which I believe are valid.

        Edit: I re-read my original comment and I concede it’s “a stretch”, or rather just outright inaccurate that the Democrats are just as guilty as trump Republicans for radicalizing the party. But their actions make them complicit.