It’s unbelievable and just shows another advantage of open source software.

  • Max-P
    531 year ago

    To be fair, Jerboa barely has any assets. Basically just an SVG and a few WebPs for the icon and that’s it.

    Those can increase the size of the app really fast. Think something like just a nice welcome screen with like 5 pages with images that shows you how to use the basics of the app: right there already you need to include those in a few different resolutions for different form factors. Probably at least a few MBs just for that.

    It does help to not include proprietary bloated libraries, but code size is not what generally makes the average app big, it’s the assets. Liftoff is 10MB, Thunder is 26MB, they both have a bit more visual stuff than Jerboa.

    • laenurd
      171 year ago

      Yeah it has more to do with it being a native Android app, not using flutter / react native / electron (🤮) or other bloat.

      • fmstratA
        31 year ago

        Don’t forget all the icon packs that were installed. Entire packs… For 5 icons…

        I say I jest, I like Flutter and RN. But they be chonkers.

  • tal
    1 year ago

    I used to store my operating system and all important applications on a single 400KB 3.5" microfloppy for my Mac 512K.

    • That’s the trackers added by Google. Use the f-droid version for True Freedom(T)(patent pending).

      Joking, I don’t know what I lm talking about.

      • Slayer 🦊
        1 year ago

        Normally the playstore is smaller since it uses AAB instead of apks

    21 year ago

    That is fucking crazy. That is basically two orders of magnitudes less than many other social media apps while still having most of the same functions.

    Absolutely crazy to me lol