• QuinceDaPence
      307 months ago

      I don’t know what it is about it

      It goes low to high in pitch as it speaks which, while normal for some accents/languages, conveys uncertainty and/or a feeling of ‘high-strung’-ness, at least to a large portion of english speakers, and especially Americans.

      It also put the emphasis in the wrong places.

    • st3ph3n
      297 months ago

      I swear they developed that voice in a lab with the goal of being as irritating as possible.

    • @PoopingCough@lemmy.world
      107 months ago

      I honestly don’t mind the robot lady, but I fucking loathe the old lady voice filter thing. Kinda sounds like if spongebob were a grandma from brooklyn.

    • @Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de
      97 months ago

      isn’t it astounding how stephen hawking specifically kept his robot voice because he and others liked it, and now years later we’ve somehow managed to make computer voices sound WORSE

  • fatboy93
    347 months ago

    Gods, I relate to this.

    My wife watches Big Boss which is like Bog Brother everyday.

    My toddler has some song or the other playing all day long.

    I can’t put my headphones because either of the two keep talking all the time.

    When my inlaws visit:

    My dad in law is a media person, so he’s on the phone the whole darn day.

    My mom in law sing-songs her words.

    My sis in law doesn’t remember any song past the first two lines, so she sings the two lines whole fucking day.

    I live in a hellscape of my own device.

    • Norgur
      247 months ago

      You are the only person on he planet who should use Q-tips in their ears. Clog those eardrums with a good helping of earwax! And if your in-laws visit: Poke the qtip just that liiiiittle bit further until you hear a strange popping sound and sudden silence. Gives you 4 to 8 weaks calm and quiet.

  • muse
    7 months ago

    I work in a doctor’s office and have to listen to elderly women yell at the automated system to attempt to get rides back home, as offered by Medicare an assistance program. On speakerphone.

    Nothing is more soul crushing than listen to an 80 year old woman spend 10 minutes shouting commands to a phone robot and then be confused and tell the robot it has the wrong address and end the call, then need to restart the whole thing.

    I had 4 of them today.

      • muse
        117 months ago

        I don’t know what to tell you, these women all get assistance and they’re all calling the same line, and all of them are bitching about the government services and that Medicare needs to do more. Maybe it’s some local program that only Medicare eligible patients can use. I just wish they’d have actual reps instead of putting technologically illiterate people through five layers of automated systems

        • Zorque
          147 months ago

          It’s also possible it has nothing to do with medicare, but they don’t know that. Only that they get medicare, and can use this service.

          • muse
            87 months ago

            100% plausible and most likely. They’re already so damned confused.

        • @BurningWater@lemmy.world
          17 months ago

          If they qualify for assistance then I’m guessing it’s a medicare-medicaid sponsored plan instead of pure medicare. I absolutely agree the automation needs to be way better if they don’t have reps available though!

  • Drusas
    157 months ago

    True auditory torture:

    Two days ago, I went into a grocery store. They were playing Christmas music, already. That Alvin and the Chipmunks song came on.

    This song has been going through my head for the last two days now, despite listening to other music to try to drive it out. Even better, I only remember a very small amount of the lyrics, so it’s basically the same two or three lines playing over and over and over again.

  • BarrierWithAshes
    67 months ago

    Hey harsh noise can be really good if done right. Theres at least some form of consistency in it. Tiktok on the other hand…

  • fmstratA
    57 months ago

    A kid with strong lungs in a large echo-prone room with a recorder. It’s worse.