• @KevonLooney@lemm.ee
      291 month ago

      If he weren’t a judge, one whiff of this would be enough to eliminate him from any jury in the country. Just on the basis of craziness and bad judgement, he should resign.

  • @BigMacHole@lemm.ee
    401 month ago

    WHO CARES if the most Influential Justice in America HATES half of us so much that he and his wife would LITERALLY FIGHT US because of our Politics? It’s not like he’s REWRITING LAWS that Congress already passed!

  • @APassenger@lemmy.world
    430 days ago

    The SCOTUS is consistently demonstrating that they are political actors and illegitimate as jurists.

    We should pack the court with ethical peoe until the corruption is under 10%. If that means 20 jurists… So be it.

    I’ve had enough and now stare decisis can’t be defended. Not when corruption is making decisions AND overriding previous well decided decisions.

  • fmstratA
    129 days ago

    Is it me, or is the headline misleading? This article doesnt challenge Alito’s timeline, it confirms it.

    • Todd Bonzalez
      429 days ago

      The headline doesn’t challenge Alito’s timeline. How is it misleading? It adequately summarizes the core of the article:

      • The Alitos fly upside-down US flag.
      • Neighbors report rude behavior from Martha-Ann Alito.
      • fmstratA
        129 days ago

        But the neighbors had signs up before the flag, which they could claim it was in response to. Claim is of course the key word.